Sunday, 5 March 2017

Traffic Management Gone Bad

The terminal at Folkestone has taken to doing something odd.  They have built a maze of red and white bollards.  You go in one end and park up.  Then when it's time to go to France you follow the lanes and you double back on yourself.  And after about ten times as far, end up in the same place.
It used to be that when they called you to your train you headed to the passport and security checks.  So since there were several lanes of parking, several lanes of traffic had to merge into one.  It wasn't ever a problem that I could see.  

But now about 20% of the parking spaces have been taken up by traffic management bollards.  And we all have to get into a single lane and snake through the car park .  Come the spring bank holiday weekend, it is going to be chaos. 

I anticipate chaos, come the bank holiday. This is a bad idea idea M Gounon.  Ditch it

1 comment:

  1. Been like that for months, since at least early December. I think the reason is to allow for longer queues to the customs check.
