Thursday, 9 April 2015

Exit Checks

Oh dear, Oh dear

They want to check us outgoing from the UK.   Check out this report from the BBC.

You know what that means. 

In France they have about 12 booths, maybe more, and there are still queues at busy times when the Borders Agency checks our passports inbound to the UK.

Outbound from the UK there is currently one booth, two lanes, where they could check passports.  At the time I travel - usually around 2130 on a Friday evening - the Brits have almost always gone home, and if the douaniers are still there, they wearily wave me through without so much as glancing at my passport. 

This is not good news...

1 comment:

  1. Well in fact they weren't onerous at all. We drove through the checkpoints with no delay. So it's just a paperwork check on how many people are exiting the UK
