Some donkey drove his lorry into the supporting pillars of a footbridge on the M20 near Maidstone. Astonishingly nobody was killed when it collapsed, not even the poor bloody biker who was riding under the bridge at the time. But the whole south east of England was thoroughly screwed for the next 24 hours. Including me.
Last time there was a bit of trouble on the motorway I had little or no advance warning. This time there were warnings as far back as Swindon. So a big improvement, although not everyone got the message. There were still lots of people bombing along the M25 apparently unaware that the M26 was closed ahead.
Then there was a horrible queue to get from the M25 to the M2. Only one lane allowed. So a tailback for miles. Although there were four lanes at the roundabout, the others were allocated to local traffic. Not joined up thinking.
Signs did divert you off to the M2 but assumed you were going to Dover. Not so, Highways Agency! At some point I wanted to go back to the M20 and off to the tunnel. Were you able to get me this information? Were you heck as like. But I did find the right turn by good luck and made it to Folkestone two hours late.
Eurotunnel to their credit told me I was late and put me straight onto the next crossing.